Wildfire in the Oregon Legislative Session

Written by Alexi Lovechio, January 31st, 2023

A hot topic in the Oregon legislative session this year is the wildfire risk map and ways to improve it. Last June, The Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF) released a statewide wildfire risk map. The mapping process stemmed from Senate Bill 762, a wildfire preparedness package lawmakers passed in 2021 in response to the 2020 Labor Day fires throughout Oregon. 

Senate Bill 762 called for mapping wildfire risk on properties across Oregon, developing requirements for clearing defensible space around homes in high fire risk areas and creating building codes to make structures in fire-prone areas less likely to burn. The bill directed ODF to work with Oregon State University to develop the map. 

The original map placed every single tax lot in Oregon in a risk category ranging from zero to extreme. These categories are based on weather, climate topography, vegetation and nearby buildings. The map was withdrawn last year after backlash from residents who felt their property had been misclassified. A revised map was scheduled to be released in March of 2023 but ODF recently postponed the updated map for another 6 months. 

The Oregon Legislature will be considering a number of recommendations for changes related to the statewide wildfire risk map during the session, ranging from which areas are assigned a risk classification to abolishing the map entirely. Legislation has also been introduced this session to prevent insurance companies from using the map to increase rates. ODF is planning to continue conducting community outreach and engagement efforts to listen to landowners and help answer questions. 

Members of both the Senate Committee on Natural Resources and the Wildfire Programs Advisory Council have expressed support for continued mapping of wildfire hazards to identify where to direct investments in wildfire mitigation activities including fuels reduction and building defensible space.

KS Wild is tracking wildfire bills in the legislative session and is advocating for policy that protects both our communities and our forests.