Guest blog: Birding with Harry Fuller

Written by Harry Fuller on May 9th, 2024

This morning, I got to lead a field trip for KS Wild. We went up into the Cascades hoping for a glance at a great gray owl. They refused to appear, but there was bird action aplenty.

Acorn Woodpeckers in the oaks at lower elevation before the conifers take out. Nashville Warbler at MP13 along Dead Indian Memorial Road (Latzawa Road). Sandhill Crane couple at north end of Keno Access Road. Vesper Sparrow at Lily Glen. Osprey over Vesper Meadow, and meadowlarks singing thetre, unseen. Tree Swallows sruising the grasslands. Bald Eagles over the south end of Howard Prairie Lake, accosted by an indignent ravern. A Caspian Tern fishing the lakeshore. A cormorant afloat mid-lake.

Field Report:

Howard Prairie Circuit, Jackson, Oregon, US
May 9, 2024
28 species

Canada Goose 
Sandhill Crane 
Caspian Tern 
Double-crested Cormorant 
Turkey Vulture 
Bald Eagle 
Red-tailed Hawk 
Acorn Woodpecker 
Northern Flicker 
California Scrub-Jay 
American Crow 

Tree Swallow 
Barn Swallow 
Red-breasted Nuthatch 
European Starling 
American Robin 
Purple Finch 
Dark-eyed Junco 
Vesper Sparrow 
Western Meadowlark 
Red-winged Blackbird 
Brewer’s Blackbird 
Mountain Chickadee 
Nashville Warbler

Wanna get outside with us? See our calendar of upcoming hikes and events to join us for our next outing!

KS Wilders during the birding hike with Harry Fuller. Credit: Allee Gustafson